QORU seminar: Using information on quality and outcomes to improve decision-making about care
24 March 2014, 13.30 – 15.30
Venue: London School of Economics and Political Science, Tower 1, G.01
Health and social care policy emphasises ‘outcomes’. Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMS) and measures of social care-related quality of life are collected. But can we use these outcome indicators to best effect? What other information do we need to interpret them?
This Department of Health-funded policy Research Unit in Quality and Outcomes of person-centred care (QORU) seminar brings together interested parties to discuss the use of ‘outcome’ data in practice, and what is needed to ensure that policy-makers and practitioners have access to useful information in the future.
- Online reviews and care, Lisa Trigg, PSSRU at LSE
- Use of quality information in decisions about accommodation and support for people with learning disability or autism, Julie Beadle-Brown and Agnes Turnpenny, Tizard, University of Kent
- Is outcomes-based management and policy-making a reality for local government? Juliette Malley, Clara Heath and Kamilla Razik, PSSRU at Kent
- How can we make best use of quality and outcomes information? Facilitated discussion / Q&A, Angela Coulter, University of Oxford
The seminar is free to attend but places are limited. Please register by emailing Amanda Burns: a.l.burns@kent.ac.uk or phoning 01227 823862